It can be a daunting prospect to hand over your hard-earned funds when purchasing a franchise. It is not an insignificant amount of money to spend, money that others may invest in a house deposit, a new car or even save it for retirement. This is why Revive! sees it as a key importance that you understand what you will be getting when you invest in a management franchise.
Our business model allows for you to deliver an outstanding return on your investment – it’s proven by multiple franchisees in multiple locations to give you the potential to run a business with sales of over £1m, it is our responsibility to demonstrate this and present the capabilities you will have with your own franchise.
How much will I need to invest in a Revive! franchise?
To begin your Revive! journey, you will need to invest £25,000 of your own capital plus additional funding from a lender or bank. We are well known, respected and have developed excellent relationships with high street banks and other lenders. They have historical evidence of our franchise model and its profitability for franchisees, which is why they are happy to fund up to 70% of the total financial investment.
Your franchise investment will consist of £35,000 +VAT (which is reclaimable) for the initial franchise fee, and a deposit for two vans. You will also need working capital and we will help you to explore that through our cash flow forecasting template.
What support and training will I receive to make the best start of my franchise?
Revive! are dedicated to providing the best possible support to our over 50 strong network of franchisees, with dedicated support packages. We’re proud to have been recognised with many industry awards, including the prestigious Gold Franchisor of the Year accolade at the BFA HSBC Franchise Awards 2022 and have won the Workbuzz 5 Star Franchisee Satisfaction award for the last four years.
As part of your franchise package you will receive:
- Business planning roadmap – You’ll have dedicated support from our business development experts: they know how to help you make your franchise thrive.
- Benchmarking Data – We will provide business data and performance statistics, helping you to understand and improve your metrics and profits.
- Wide customer base – Our diverse range of customers including local and national accounts with car dealerships, fleet, lease and insurance customers, as well as the general public.
- Bookkeeping support – Weekly and monthly sales reports, monthly management information pack, automatic invoicing… we take away the admin headaches.
- Technical support – From business questions to technician support on paint matching, alloy wheels and new product testing, our head office team have it covered.
- IT support – With our in-house web developer, the Revive! app has been custom-built to streamline and automate your business operations.
- Marketing guidance – Benefit from our experience of promoting your business locally through campaigns, support with your social media, PR, SEO & much more.
- Pay-per-click campaign – A fully managed and paid-for three-month PPC campaign from your launch, boosting your initial trade and retail customer base.
- National brand power – We will bring your business brand recognition including sponsorship of former British Touring Car Champion driver Andrew Jordan, reaching wide audiences of car enthusiasts.
All of this comes alongside the tailored support in the Accelerated Growth Potential scheme (AGP), this is bespoke support and training designed for a franchisee’s specific level of business and turnover. Franchisees are grouped according to their size and receive a guided ‘planning for growth’ programme which is designed to take them to the next level of sales. Mentor support is included, and collaboration between franchisees at a similar level of development includes sharing experience, challenges and solutions together.
How can I market my new business?
When it comes to marketing, you will receive dedicated training prior to establishing your franchise that will help you understand the intricacies of social media marketing and how to build your profile for your specific territory area and target audience.
We will also introduce you to our inhouse marketing team who will help you with PR and push your stories to the wider world along with present your news on the company website. Upon further establishing your business and becoming successful, the marketing team may select you for a number of awards opportunities that are available across the country, which then may lead to being invited to a glamorous awards night.
The brand power available to you from day one already puts you ahead of the competition as part of the UKs leading SMART repair brand. This gives you a marketable name and reputation that self-starters and competitors dream of and would take years to develop by yourself.
What do I get for my investment?
Alongside the support and training from an enthusiastic head office staff, eager to help you succeed, your two dedicated paint technician vans will be fitted out to the highest standards, providing your technicians with state-of-the-art mobile workshops. Head office will also assist in recruiting two experienced paint technicians who will be trained in the Revive! Way prior to opening day and will have a similar drive and passion making them determined to support you and your growing business.
That leaves you to focus firmly on growing and developing your business through local marketing to car owners, building relationships with local trade customers, motivating, and developing your team; and adding further vans and technicians when the time is right to grow.
As the UK’s leading SMART repair franchisor, the name Revive! carries weight both in the automotive trade and to the general public. Revive! gives you the amazing opportunity to establish your own business and dedicate yourself to further growing your knowledge skills and profits, within your own unique territory of the country.
For more information about our services or to get involved with running your own franchise get in touch with our team, please visit:
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